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Lincolnshire Reading Pledge

Unicef Gold Logo

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Mrs B Wood (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Deputy  Headteacher 

Mr J Hudson-Davies (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Curriculum Leader, RE Lead)

Teaching Staff 

Mrs D Britten (Curriculum Leader for Mathematics and Music)

Ms S Bytheway (EYFS/Key Stage 1 Phase Leader and Curriculum Leader for Reading and Design Technology)

Mrs L Ellis (Curriculum Leader for History)

Mrs C Glenn (Curriculum Leader for P.E.)

Mrs H Maryon (Curriculum Leader for OPAL)

Mrs S Oakley (Sports Coach)

Mrs E Potts (SENDCo and Curriculum Leader for ICT and PSHE) 

Mr Russell (Sports coach)

Mrs J Strawbridge (KS2 and supply teacher)

Mrs P Wells (Key Stage 2 Leader and Curriculum Leader for Writing, Art and Geography)

School Business Manager 

Mrs A McGill

Administrative  Assistants 

Mrs H Greenham

Mrs M Smith

Teaching  Assistants 

Mrs R Amos

Mrs J Falco

Mrs D Gaches

Mrs K Hudson

Mrs A Kaye 

Mrs T Kilshaw (1:1 TA)

Mrs A Nickson (Learning Mentor, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mrs A Redman

Mrs M Smith

Mrs R Wall (ELSA)


Mr S Horsley

Cleaning Team 

Mrs F Dow


Play Team Lunchtimes 

Mrs R Amos

Mrs L Boyne

Ms M Geeson

Miss T Kazakova

Mrs H Malone

Mrs N Mason

Mrs P Simpson

Mrs H Tarboton

Mrs S Weston